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Portuguese Rail Platform participates in ERRAC Plenary meeting

PFP - Portuguese Railway Cluster Platform Association, is participating during this morning, in the ERRAC Plenary Meeting.

The conference takes place this Friday, November 19th in videoconference and gathers the European Union's main expert group, composed by representatives from member states and associated countries, which advises the Commission, the Council and the member states on research and innovation policy. The Portuguese Railway Cluster Platform Association (PFP) participates in the ERRAC online plenary of which it has been an advisory body since April 2018.

The European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) is a European Technology Platform (ETP) created in 2001 to serve as a European advisory body for the railway sector, with the purpose of revitalizing the European Union's railway sector and making it more competitive and innovative , strategically aligning research and industrialization efforts with a view to their implementation at European level, composed of representatives from each of the major European railway research stakeholders: manufacturers, operators, infrastructure managers, the European Commission, EU Member States, academics and user groups. ERRAC covers all forms of rail transport: from conventional, high speed and freight applications to urban and regional services.

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